Fire Protection
Company EVIL, Ltd. perform activities of technician of fire protection with contractors way in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic No.121 / 2002 Coll, which implements certain provisions of law. 314/2001 Coll. about fire protection.
With regard to fire protection (FP) we offer the following activities:
- preparation, conduction and maintenance of fire protection documentation to the necessary extent and in accordance with the actual situation,
- determining the places with increased risk of fire and number of members of fire patrols in these workplaces,
- reparation, organization and evaluation of fire alarms training,
- implementing preventive fire inspections,
- carrying out regular training of fire protection to:
- the new employees,
- the managers,
- other staff,
- employees redeployment to another job,
- persons who are staying in the premises with the consent of the owner resp. lessee,
- the people (employees), who are involved in activities with increased risk of fire,
- the people (employees) who providing fire protection after work time,
- implement professional training in fire patrols of workplace,
- providing expert consultations in the field of fire protection,
- monitoring of customer´s workplace.
- participation in inspections,
- ensuring of material equipment of fire protection.
All these activities are provided by professionally qualified staff, who constantly follow the changes of laws, decrees and regulations so as to ensure the workability of the fire protection system.
Fire protection Training
Company EVIL, Ltd. at the request from the customer is carried out by qaulified instructors training of fire prevention and fire safety. Training is performed according to the requirements of the custormer. Other information regarding FP training will be answered in person, by telephone or by e-mail. Price for conducting fire protection training is under negotiation individually.