E-learning for OHS and FP
EVIL, Ltd. under the authority of the National Labour Inspectorate to carry out education and training in the field of occupational health and safety at work provides training of employees and managers to verify their knowledge through the Internet (e-learning).
OHS and fire safety training through e-learning can be completed quickly, anytime and anywhere. Online training undertaken by EVIL, Ltd. is time-saving and fully complying with the legislation, in order to focus on training for specific activities and professions.
Trainings that you can pass via e-learning are formed by topics, for which are available study materials. Each of the themes is the finalization of the Continuous test. Continue to the next topis is possible only after its successful completion. Completion of the whole course is conditional on the successful completion of the final test, after which it is automatically generated confirmation of the successful completion of training. If you experience anything unclear or you need advice, you can during training contact the administrator for training by sending questions in the "contact your trainer".
Training is performed according to the requirements of the customer. Other information regarding OHS and FP training will be answered in person, by telephone or e-mail.