Occupational health and safety

EVIL, Ltd. under the authority of the National Labour Inspectorate ensures for employers the implementation of the occupational health and safety service, education and training of employees under Section 22 of the Act No.124 / 2006 about occupational health and safety (OHS).

In the field of occupational health and safety at work we are ready to provide the following activities:

  • initial vocational OHS audit, inspection of workplace, checking existing documentation followed by the summary of weaknesses and proposes measures to remedy these deficiencies in order to ensure optimal system of management in field of occupational safety and health at work,
  • elaboration of rules and guidelines on OHS (internal guidelines, the transport-operating regulation, the list of prohibited work for women and juveniles, local traffic regulations ...)
  • perform verifications state of OHS at all workplaces of the organization within the deadlines specified in the legislation or in the internal guidelines (inspection of workplaces, machinery, tools, equipment, buildings, transport routes in terms of safety, checking for compliance with legal and internal regulations for ensuring occupational safety and health , ...),
  • developing a plan of preventive medical examinations,
  • draw up the list for the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE),
  • keeping records of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, accidents and failures of technical equipment,
  • maintaining appropriate documentation of OHS so that it is consistent with the actual situation,
  • submitting regular information to clients about the status and development of occupational health and safety in the workplace,
  • OHS training to:
      • the new employees,
      • the managers,
      • other staff,
      • employees redeployment to another job,
      • persons who are staying in the premises with the consent of the owner resp. lessee,
  • monitoring customer´s workplace with respect to the risks and dangers
  • participation in inspections,
  • risk assessment and draw up written document for risk assessment for all employees,
  • familiarizing employees with the regulations for ensuring OSH (regular, clearly and provably) with verification of their knowledge,
  • ensuring safety signs at workplaces,
  • ensuring supply and installation of safety signs on the basis of the activity carried out.


All these activities are provided by professionally qualified staff, who constantly follow the changes of laws, decrees and regulations so as to ensure the workability of the fire protection system.

OHS Training

EVIL, Ltd. on the basis of authorization to pursue education and training in the field of occupational health and safety carried out by qualified instructors training of employees and managers in field of OSH with the verification of their knowledge. Training is performed according to the requirements of the custormer. Other information regarding OHS training will be answered in person, by telephone or by e-mail. Price for conducting OHS training is under negotiation individually.

OHS Audit

EVIL, Ltd. offers OHS audit for Your company. It is the assessment of compliance with legislative requirements of your company in the field of occupational health and safety at work, which results analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of company in terms of OHS, summarizing weaknesses, draft measures and propose the optimal system of managing for occupational health and safety at work for Your company. Price of OHS audit is provides by an individual agreement, according to the character of the company, number of employees and individual requirements.


EVIL, Ltd.

Poľská 10

040 01 Košice


Phone: 055//625 98 43

Email: info@evilsro.sk

Contact us